Basketball is a popular sport. There are five players on each team and each team tries to get the basketball in each other’s nets. You play this game with a basketball which is a sphere colored orange with black stripes. Basketball is most common here in Kwethluk. There are professional teams, college teams, high school, middle and even some elementary school teams. The main thing is to get the ball into the opposing team’s hoop by dribbling and shooting with your hands.

One of our “Kings” shooting from the outside. Bethel Tournament.
There are few different ways you can score. The first is to make a basket within the large that extends past the free throw line. Any shots in this range is worth 2 points. Any shot made outside of the large arc is worth 3 points. If you are fouled while shooting, you may go to the free throw line to earn back your points. Each free throw is worth one point. There are many rules to basketball, and some rules still remain the same.

Our high school boys playing in the regional tournament in Bethel.
Here in Kwethluk, people come to watch the Kwethluk Kings play basketball. Here in the school, the fans are ready to cheer right before the basketball games. The people here, the biggest thing for them is watching Basketball. To close games, the crowds go wild and cheer loudly for the Kings. Usually crowds here are respectful for the other teams that travel here for the tournament. The Kwethluk Kings here in the village help support the people and try to win for the school and the village. In our own way we are fans and we are players. The Kwethluk Kings love to play and join other activities to become in shape for another season of basketball. Basketball is our villages favorite sport and for us nothing is more exciting than a game of basketball. Our people help the Kwethluk Kings play hard, stay in shape, support our school, and try to win a title.

One of our Lady Kings driving to the basket during the Bethel Regional Tournament.