Parents, community members, and educators of Ket’acik Aapalluk Memorial School are dedicated to the belief that all children are able to learn and will be educated to reach their full potential.
The academic and extracurricular programs will include the values of traditional Yupik culture with rigorous and relevant curriculum to allow them the opportunity to succeed as productive members of society.
Kuigglugmiut: angayuqait, elitnauristait, calistait-llu Ket’acik Aapalluk Memorial School-am umyuallgutengqertut tamarmeng mikelnguut elicugngaut elitnaurumaciqluteng-llu piyugngatacimegcetun.
Elitnauram elitarkai ilangqertut yuuyaramtenek piciryaramtenek, elitnaurviim-llu allanek paivutainek. Makut ikayutnguciiqut elitnaurat elluarrluteng yuullerkatnun.